Tuesday, 12 April 2011

I think I'l stick to my odd shaped balls...

As some of you may know I'm not a big fan of football... well thats actually an understatement! I can't bloody stand it!! I think i would rather chew off my own arm than watch that rubbish!! Its just such a boring sport! They're overpaid and overrated! A footballer brakes his toenail and hes sidelined! How many times in a game do you see the invisible sniper get one of them! They need to man up and stop throwing their selves on the floor like pansies!! 

This is how a true sportsman looks...

Andy Farrell... Absolute Legend!! Broken Nose... Its fine just tape it up and get back on! True Sportsman! A man who played for the sport and not for the money! I think the main problem in football has to be the money, they get paid way too much for what they do. These days its all about the sponsorship and making sure they look good, the majority of them dont seem to care about the sport any more! Its all too commercialised! Where's the passion gone...

...This is True Passion! Aww I Love Sam Tomkins! 

Anyways i could go on and on about how much i hate football but it just gets me angry! Haha! Im so glad i watch a real sport ;) Rugby League is the way forward!! 

Muchos Love

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